Here's to this blog's first legit music corner. I will be focusing on the lovely and talented Katy Perry, Perez Hilton's seemingly nauseating protege and publicity whore. I don't want to like her, but I do! Can't help it!
Perry's been in music for a lot longer than most think. She never had a hit as a Christian Contemporary artist (kel suprese!), so she decided to do a career 180 and become a faux-lesbian (or is it a bisexual? or is it a drunk USC party whore? Whatevs) and release the rather catchy, Avril/Ashlee/Fiona hybrid that is "I Kissed a Girl." I saw the video for the first time last week, and I must admit I'm a little disappointed. Where's the girl on girl action? All she's doing is laying down, playing with a pillow, and dancing around with a bunch of women in the background (who are curiously rocking out to the tunes without interacting...). Katy Perry, here's some advice: if you're going to try and make a song about hooking up with a girl, hook up with a girl! And if you're adverse to a little tongue action, at least play a little grab-ass! Ugh!

You can catch the video here:
I wish I knew how to upload videos from youtube or something. I'm such a lameoid with technology.
I think the thing I like most about Katy Perry is that she has a sense of humor about herself. People who take her too seriously are squares. (Hint: peep the iTunes store and check out the comments made about her and her hit single. It's bizarre!)
Fuego starter
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