Sunday, May 11

"Henceforth, you are FIRESTARTER!"

I've never been good with introductions, so I'm just going to jump right in.

My name is Jake, but I go [almost exclusively] by Firestarter. Last year, while at a bar in The Meatpacking District, a 60-year-old Hungarian disk thrower approached me, drunkenly, and insisted that I go by the name Firestarter. I don't know about any of you, but when a drunk, seven-foot-tall viking tells you to do something, you do it. The name's stuck ever since.

I'm from Los Angeles, California, and the youngest of five children. We're Jewish. All I need is Sarah Jessica Parker and a general conflict and I've got myself a 90s romantic comedy. I know, right?

My mother, Barbara, is a woman of many layers. Ruthless, lovable, dripping in diamonds and red sweater vests from Saks, Barbara is a woman who enjoys glamor and green tea drinks from local LA eateries. She enjoys traveling, film, writing, and sporting various haircuts of GlamRock from the 1980s. Currently, she's rocking "the Bret," inspired by the incredible Bret Michaels.

My father, a doctor based in Downtown, is a simple man. He spends his days watching Fox News and playing bongo drums. He likes washing his car in very tiny swim trunks and running away from people.

Picture later.

I've always liked writing. For a while now, my interests have extended into the entertainment field, with a minor interest in fashion. I've contributed to several local papers and school-related bullshit, but in two weeks, I will begin an internship with US Weekly. Um, I know, you're jell. It's cool.

I will be posting my writings on daily life in NYC and LA, respectively, fashion-related events and mishaps, nights out and nights in, and the general fabulousness of my existence. Only, sometimes, it's a bore. And when nothing's going on, just read my very good friend Courtney's blog. It's cute.

More later.

But, for now, I leave you with a photo taken during Halloween of 2007. Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you, my beacon of light, costume designer and creative diety, Pat Field:

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